Self Discovery
I went and saw the new Pride and Prejudice the other day, having quite shamefully never seen or read any versions before. I REALLY really liked the film and the stroy and everything (it's funny how many purists despise the film, and the not-so-purists love it) but the I did discover something slightly unexpected.
I never thought myself to be one of those girls who'd swoon over Mr. Darcy. I always thought he'd be too much of a boring arrogant twonk for my liking. But DAMMIT! Did I ever swoon. Matthew MacFadyen in that film just does it so brilliantly I couldn't help but swoon whenever he appeared, especially in the scene in the rain...

So I basically played out in my thoughts exactly what Jane Austen was trying to say with the 'Prejudice' part. Well, my name is Elizabeth after all...
HAHAHA!!! Bring it on! Although I'm not going to see the new movie, beacuse I love the old one so much. No one could play Mr. Darcy like Colin Firth. Although I hear the new guy is awesome. And I'm not sure that Keira Knightly can pull of Elizabethe Bennet. The old version must be better. It goes for something ridiculous like 327 minutes though! I love it! My friend Krissy bought it today and we're going to watch it next weekend and swoon!
Fri Oct 28, 08:48:00 PM
Nah, I don't think Colin Firth would do it for me like this guy does. I'll probably check that version out sometime but this one does fine for me. And Keira Knightly was fantastic.
Fri Oct 28, 09:07:00 PM
Well I think I'm just stuck in my mindset of the '95 version. :)
Sun Oct 30, 12:56:00 PM
Colin Firth will never be bested as Mr. Darcy! He is Mr. Darcy!
*blocks ears*
Fri Nov 04, 09:57:00 PM
That's right! Preach it brother!
Sat Nov 05, 12:28:00 PM
Yeah... and didn't Colin Firth play Mark DARCY in Bridget Jones? Coincidence? I think not. haha
Mon Nov 07, 06:47:00 AM
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