What about Kris?
Some of you (well, one person) wanted to know what my boyfriend Kris was up to. So I thought it was a perfect opportunity to babble on about how fantastic and thoughtful and gorgeous he was. But I wont. So it's safe to keep reading. He's leaving town (the town that is called Poatina, and may or may not have anything to do with porridge) and going to another town (one that is called Wynyard and sounds like a sheep graziers association, but is in fact a coastal fishing town on the North-West coast of Tassie). There he is doing a lot of radio things that have been abandoned by people who've come here (that is, the town called Poatina) to do a Certificate IV course (See Bowen's Blog) Got that? If you didn't, forward on your questions to me and I'll get back to you. Perhaps.
It's actually his Captain Midnight radio show that I'm now in charge of, which is very strange. And it'll be interesting to see how I go being so far away from him (well ok, it could have been Brisbane rather than Wynyard, but being a Tasmanian my perception of distances is warped) and how he's going to go taking on managerial position. Keep your eyes on this space for updates on that one.

Is he up in Wynyard yet? Grrr... not happy he didn't tell me about his movements. Kick him for me will you? Thanks! Wynyard. HAHA! Where is he living? With Josh? Mmm... porridge...
Tue Jul 26, 07:13:00 PM
he's going in two or so weeks. As yet he doesn't know who he'll be living with but definately not Josh. "Unhealthy culture" has been brewing thereabouts and they don't want to introduce any new people into it.
A big kick will be administered shortly.
Tue Jul 26, 07:26:00 PM
Haha! Josh would get a laugh out of that!
Wed Jul 27, 12:21:00 AM
I get the distinct impression from bizzle, tink, bowen etc etc that Wynyard and poatina are the only two places in tassie that actually exist.
I also wonder about the unsubtle comments about unhealthy culture, incestouos, porridge, big kicks, blah blah blah... is all ok down there in tassiville???
Wed Jul 27, 07:34:00 PM
Hard to explain without talking for hours about it revhead! Wynyard and Poatina are 2 of the 4 places Fusion have offices in Tassie, hence lots of talking about them. Fusion is also in Hobart and Launceston.
Wed Jul 27, 08:54:00 PM
Fusion is the whole world as far as I'm concerned.
(Note: You can never express a sufficient amount of cynisism or sarcasm through text)
Thu Jul 28, 07:30:00 PM
Haha! So true! I'm being sooooo overly sarcastic sometimes and people take it as serious. So I've taken to writing *insert sarcasm* a lot of the time!
Thu Jul 28, 09:46:00 PM
*insert sarcasm*
Fri Jul 29, 01:23:00 PM
Very effective Danny...
Sat Jul 30, 12:56:00 AM
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