The Spoon Goes National
The pants have made it back to Triple j. With my spoon. And both it and my wonderful self were mentioned by Ross himself on-air. Yay! Not bad for a bit of not-of-my-character spontaineity 'ay! (See previous blog entry for more info)
That is going to be downloaded and played to as many people as possible for the rest of eternity.

These people aren't me. But they were very nice, and if it weren't for the man in the overalls's suggestion of me signing my spoon, my name would never have been mentioned on triple j by Ross Noble. So, thank you man in overalls.
Wow, surprising what you can stumble upon on the net..
I miss Poatina so much I've been googling 'Poatina' with various other combinations and look! I found YOU!
wow wow wow..
I'm very excited..hehe
Is Brandon doing radio with you? Read on ur past blog...well sounds like fun, brandon's pretty cool!
Anyway, it was great meeting you there and I really really want to do foundations and c4 so hopefully i will see u again in july ^^*
I might just pop into ur studio and run in for a hug like brandon did..hehehe...*
Sat Jan 21, 12:48:00 PM
Who is Yumi?! Do I know Yumi? if they know Brandon and Poatina, I assume I know them. Reveal yourself!
So very cool Biz. You are my new hero.
Sat Jan 21, 01:29:00 PM
Who is Yumi?! Do I know Yumi? if they know Brandon and Poatina, I assume I know them. Reveal yourself!
So very cool Biz. You are my new hero.
Sat Jan 21, 01:29:00 PM
Oops, that was me posting.
Sat Jan 21, 01:29:00 PM
tis not always safe to assume! hehe
i know brandon and poatina from the faith and the arts course which i completed last wk.
i 'assume' u dont know i shall 'reveal myself' no more..
Sat Jan 21, 04:31:00 PM
Fair enough. Yumi, that's so cool you found me! And a little bit weird...You shouldn't be able to find me from googling Poatina, they don't like it. Oh well.
Hope to see you again down here soon!
Sat Jan 21, 10:50:00 PM
the google code was something like 'poatina'/'blogs'/'certificate IV' or 'diploma' - i wanted to try my luck to see if anyone had written about their experience with the courses there..
they don't like it? who is 'they'?
how is poatina with the 200+ ppl doing foundations there? i was thinking about that today and wondering where they all eat..hahaha
hmm..anyway, i got so many questions about c4..who should i contact?
Sun Jan 22, 07:00:00 PM
Well, firstly, there are 300+ doing Foundations. And yeah, thank goodness it's summer and we can all eat outside.
Questions are good for Liz Sewell (Training Registrar), she knows everything. Same number as what's (probably) on your Faith and the Arts forms.
And it's not a big thing that 'they' don't like it. Though I can't really tell you who 'they' are. 'They' just don't want to be misrepresented by some cheeky sod with their own blog.
Mon Jan 23, 10:10:00 PM
thanks for pointing me out in the right direction =) i emailed liz with my questions. please pray that i may go to poatina once more! i really really really want to go very muchly so, but i dont know how the year will unfold in terms of work/studying and im just in this very ugly grey area right now, not knowing quite what to do with my life. arg~*
anyway i put up some pics from my phone photos at poatina. one of u up there too! just click on my name. miss ya biz! hope australia day was a lot of fun there...
happy australia day mate!
Thu Jan 26, 11:26:00 PM
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