Sombre Ponderings
There is a guy I know, who's constantly excited, enthusiastic and energised. While we all stand around coughing and muttering about the bloody weather, he runs amok, shouting movie quotes into the wind. Some people get annoyed by him, saying he's far too positive about everything. Huh!? As grumpy as I can be in the mornings I never fail to appreciate the fact that this one guy keeps his spirit up despite his circumstances, and is able to keep things in perspective. He sees the good in everything, and quite frankly, I wish I had that power.
Lately I've been letting my righteous anger get a hold of me. I hate George Bush, I hate this stupid war in Iraq, I hate American policy on guns and the death sentance. And yes, I am a
I just got a beautiful email from another friend, with these amazing photos from Iraq which starkly contrast the prisoner torture photos. Here's an example. Peace.
Preach it sister!!!
Fri Jul 29, 11:52:00 AM
It's easy to be angry, hey?
I agree, ol' Bushy may not be doing the right thing, but then again he may. The most annoying thing about politics is the complete lack of trustworthy information that we have. We basically don't have any (commercial media is more useless and smelly than a gorilla's armpit). Combine that with the fact that the politicians themselves have 50 times the information about the decision than everyone else, and I start feeling a bit helpless.
Thank goodness we don't have to trust in our politicians, hey? God is much more reliable (and much more influential) :)
Fri Jul 29, 01:31:00 PM
Heck yeah.
Mostly my American friend opened my eyes to cultural differences. It's easy to think something is 'wrong' solely based on the values your nation possesses. You don't realise it of course, but America has a different history so they see things different.
If only more polititians started listening to God, rather than just claiming to.
Fri Jul 29, 10:11:00 PM
How nice would that be?!! It's be so awesome if they spent half as much time listening to God as talking about Him.
Sat Jul 30, 12:58:00 AM
Haha! Look what I found!
Sat Jul 30, 12:43:00 PM
Not quite as cool as the recent 'Cash4Biz' scheme. I could do with some of that now actually...
Sat Jul 30, 02:07:00 PM
Haha! Now you're a poor diploma student! Sucks eh?
Sat Jul 30, 02:22:00 PM
Yay Dr Who!
Uh, and down with government or something relevant
Sat Jul 30, 04:26:00 PM
Hey, don't worry about relevance.
And in answer to master peebody, Georgie Boy and Johnny Howard both proclaim to be Christian, and Hillsong church have been in the news a lot lately for attracting pollies like Peter Costello and Alexander Downer. The problem is that those who'd do the most good generally aren't the ones wanting power.
That's my observation anyways.
Sun Jul 31, 11:48:00 AM
Im American, and I do agree with your views. I hate how everyone seems to vision every American as a war hungry, gun carrying, monster. In fact MANY of us are against this war, but you only hear from the ones that want it.
Mon Aug 01, 11:37:00 AM
I want to know more about this guy that can 'always look on the bright side of life' :) That is something that I constantly strive to do, but so many times fail miserably.
I also think that it really sucks how we barely know much of what is really happening in our worlds & how so much can be kept from us. It's our society & we have every right to know what it is that we're living for in this world.
On the other hand - I want to congratulate everyone - yes, even Geoge & Johnny, on the job they do.
Often we can be faced with the light-hearted question of "If we were PM for a day or something to that extent, what would we do/change etc.?"
I want you to actually try to imagine what it would be like to have that kind of a job - to be running a coutry, especially one as large or influential as America is. Think about all the choices - big & small - that they have to make & things that they have to do. After all, they've managed to keep a coutry from falling to pieces. And yes, while they can be often making better choices, at least they are making some choices & they are doing what they think is best. Now try to think if you could really do that after all..
Tue Aug 02, 04:26:00 PM
WOW, some of the best posts I've ever seen on a blog right there, and I love what everyone has contributed.
I think we have to have an element of trust when it comes to politics, but then also have an element of assessment. I think the problems come when people go too far either way, saying that Bush and Howard are 'wrong and bad' or saying that they are doing the right thing all the time.
Mon Aug 08, 12:43:00 AM
Great Shihad song; All the Young Fascists. - "They're taking all the colours away", referring to the current habit everyone has of seeing everything in terms of black and white, good and bad. Where would we be without colours, ay?
Mon Aug 08, 11:58:00 AM
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