Sheep in the Big City
My, that was a good show.
Kris and I spent the weekend in Melbourne for the Big Day Out. After spending Saturday getting hopelessly lost, and seeing a very good film at a very good cinema, (not to mention the previous week spent in an intensive 7 day course, preceded by a few days of training to be a trainer of said course, preceded by another 7 day intensive course) we were pretty pooped by the time we got to Royal Park.

This is us..

My new Franz Ferdinand shirt...

The real Franz


We couldn't get any non-shakey photos of White Stripes, so we took a lot of arty blurry ones. They were clearly the best act of the entire day, though Franz, Cut Copy, Henry Rollins and Augie March blew me away too.
Tired. Me no more talk.
Yay for Melbourne and the big day out! Looks like you had such an awesome day!
Fri Feb 03, 02:12:00 PM
Hello Biz
Thats a Cool Franz Ferdinand T-Shirt.... Were The living End Good?
- Ruby
Mon Feb 06, 11:02:00 AM
yay, sweaty picture of me on the internet, just what i always wanted!
Mon Feb 06, 03:00:00 PM
You look so cute in your Franz Ferdipants shirt
Mon Feb 06, 03:01:00 PM
The Living End were really good! Everyone was so into them. Welcome to blog posting on my blog little sis!
Oh, and that is so you little man, being anonymous.
Mon Feb 06, 09:24:00 PM
Of course it's little man! He and anon posted within a minute of each other, and who else says Franz Ferdipants?
Mon Feb 06, 10:42:00 PM
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