This is becoming a Regular Art Gallery...

I thought that since my profile pic was so old (well, 8 months or so) I should update it. Incidently, it's the last picture taken of me in my room. Yes, I'm moving out. And it has a nice winter feel to it too. Note the hoard of angry Dalek's that also live in my room...

Here's the pic of Little Man that Megski requested...
Tell me - when will theose Daleks take over your room?
And why are they angry - is i because u smell???
Mon Aug 01, 03:10:00 PM
Great pic Biz! You look so purdy! Love the pic of Little man too.
Mon Aug 01, 05:41:00 PM
Daleks are just angry by nature. it's what happens when a radiation affected race is forced to live inside a useless mechanical object for all eternity.
Yes. I am a geek and proud of it.
Tue Aug 02, 05:16:00 PM
Haha!!!!! Geek city! :)
Tue Aug 02, 06:05:00 PM
Always. It's the only way to get any good deals in this country.
Thu Aug 04, 09:31:00 AM
youshould get a DeviantArt account, then you'll have a real gallery
Thu Aug 04, 11:18:00 AM
Don't go there! He'll infect with you his.... ART!!!!!
Nah, you do great work Matt!
Fri Aug 05, 12:17:00 PM
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