Fairytales of Love and Deception, Hope and Courage, and a somewhat confused mind.

Friday, August 12, 2005

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight...

Well Monday night was Senior Presenter Kris' last official night on the Captain Midnight Show, and being the shy gremlin that he is, he wanted to sneak out of town without anyone noticing. So what did we do? AMBUSH! Yay! Canons and all came charging over the deceptively quiet peasant-worked field, while the mightiest rode on galliant stallions weilding broadsword and fruit platters.

So Kris hid. Yes, the whole of Heart FM and all his trainee children who had not yet gone forth to forge their own path in radio like others before them, showed up just to show their love, and he ran away. Once found, however, he had a great time, and so did the rest of us. Though I have to say, that many people in such a small radio studio made for interesting manouvering. Here's a bunch of really daggy photos taken on the night.

The blurry station ghost, aka Joe Baxter, gives Kris one last haunting.

Yay! Murder! Daniel goes about his daily "business"

Chleo works it for the camera

The teacher has one last reflective moment, taking in his place of deep learning one last time, before haning it over to the apprentice, aka me, who surpassed the teacher long ago....


Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Nice work Biz! Great photos! I'm sure Kris will be missed around the chai drinking villiage that is Poatina. Sounds like it was a really fun night and I got all nostalgic and sad seeing all my old friends that I haven't seen for a whole month and a half. I miss you all!!!!

Sat Aug 13, 06:56:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have left the building...I don't miss any of ya's except for maybe that girl whose name rhymes with fizz

Tue Aug 30, 01:32:00 PM


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