Do your homework, Little Man
If anyone is unsure, the Dave Matthews Band and Dave Stuart and the Spiritual Cowboys really have little in common, and are not to be confused in general conversation.
Fairytales of Love and Deception, Hope and Courage, and a somewhat confused mind.
If anyone is unsure, the Dave Matthews Band and Dave Stuart and the Spiritual Cowboys really have little in common, and are not to be confused in general conversation.
Last night on my travels I had Elvis "the King" Costello accompanying my lonely self on the journey home. Not the real Elvis Costello, though that would have been a bit of a laugh. Actually, for the sake of the creative opportunities that the internet presents, let's say it WAS the real Elvis Costello, and I was just giving him a lift to the Great Lakes, where he has a cozy little chateau. He just happened to have his guitar on him (the mountain air is great for writer's block, so I'm told), and he played me a few tunes. One song in particular perked my ears up and caused a bit of a sing-a-long. It's very eighties and just a little daggy, but there's something about that song that gets me every time. After a brief discussion with Mr. Costello I realised it's because it reminds me so much of last summer. And it seems I really enjoyed last summer.
All my friends are going to Greece! Well actually, they're gone already, flying out of the country yesterday morning. Boy I'm jealous. I was planning to go this year but then I did Diploma instead. What a silly idea that turned out to be. Kidding, of course.
Artificial Intelligence my foot! I dont know how this happened, or how we can make it un-happen, but somehow the image on the monitor of a HeartFM work computer suddenly decided to look at the world from a different point of view, expecting us to join in,and refuses to go the right way up again.
The blurry station ghost, aka Joe Baxter, gives Kris one last haunting.
Yay! Murder! Daniel goes about his daily "business"
Chleo works it for the camera
I was inadvertedly caused to think about colours just then. "Strange", you may be thinking. "I would have thought that with the abundance of colours in this world you would either be thinking about it constantly, or have ignored the topic for the rest of your life". But really, all that colours are and what they represent. I'm so glad colours exist. Of course there's literal colours, blue, green etc. They're great. But also in terms of diferentiation, racial, national, political, sporting, chess clubs, clothing, anything that defines individuality.
Oh, and I got the thumbs up from Daniel on the picture (see below)! Well, more like a "Yee-ha!" and a high five, really. I love enthusiasm.
Kris leaves in three days. And with him being both my boyfriend and the now ex-team leader of my radio show, it means a WHOLE lot of stuff is going to change for me. This past week has been my first week at my diploma placement at Heart FM studios, and it's been pretty hard getting my head around all my new responsibilities. Also not having a place to live or any money has presented a few interesting challenges. I'm currently shacked up in the local backpackers, next week I move to a pretty darn luxurious house-sitting sort of arrangement for six weeks, then who knows what. I'm a nomad. Roaming the far reaching lands of Poatina looking for shelter.
Socks are marvelous, magical things. They live in the forest of Ooshdoop, down near the river of Dingly-Dell.